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Oakland Rent Registration

The Oakland City Council has adopted a requirement to establish a rent registry for all units subject to the RAP Program Fee. As of July 1, 2023, owners of these units will be required to report rent and tenancy information to RAP. They will then be required to confirm or update their units’ tenancy information annually by March 1.

1. Rent Registration: New law voted and approved on June 21, 2022.

2. Reporting requirement: Reporting requirement is currently in effect but owners/landlords reporting for the first-time must do so by July 1, 2023

3. “Covered Units” Subject to Reporting Requirement: All units subject to the RAP Program Fee, including units that are subject to the Rent Adjustment Ordinance AND/OR units that are subject to the Just Cause for Eviction Ordinance

4. Exempt Units: Units that are exempt from RAP and JCEO are exempt from the registration requirement, including:

  • Newly constructed units built entirely from the ground up after December 31, 1995 and are not a result of a conversion or prior residential use (Please provide either (a) Certificate of Occupancy issued after December 31, 1995, or (b) a Certificate of Exemption issued by RAP after December 31, 1995.

  • Fully owner-occupied units, including single family homes

  • Hospitals, skilled nursing, or health facilities

  • Non-profits or substance abuse recovery facilities

  • Non-profits to support the homeless

5. Procedure for Reporting: Owners of covered units will be contacted by RAP by mail in Spring of 2023 with instructions on how register their property using the online rent registry. It is expected that owners will be able to register their units starting in May 2023, with a deadline of July 1. Registration may be completed online or by mail (upon request).

Owners should be prepared to provide, to the best of their knowledge and ability, the following information for each unit that is subject to the Rent Program Fee:

  • Unit Number/Designation (i.e., #A, #1/2, #4A, etc.)

  • Start Date of current tenancy

  • Initial Rent of current tenancy

  • Current Rent

  • Date of last rent increase

  • Amount of last rent increase

  • Number of occupants at start of tenancy

  • Tenant Name(s)

  • Tenant Email (at least one)

  • Services included with the rent (i.e., utilities, laundry access, parking, etc.)

  • Reason that previous tenant vacated (i.e., voluntary vacancy, eviction for just cause, etc.)

6. Annual Reporting Requirement: Every year by March 1st, owners/landlords must confirm or update their unit’s tenancy information online.

7. Penalty for Non-compliance: Owners/landlords will be prohibited from being able to file petitions for rent increases or give rent increases, and from answering tenants’ petitions. Failure to register will be an affirmative defense in an eviction action.

8. Effect of Registration on Tenants: After the owner of the unit registers the tenancy date, the tenant will be notified by the City that the owner has reported to RAP the required information. If the tenant disagrees with any of the information provided by the owner, the tenant may contact RAP.

9. Who Can Access the Registered Information: Both owners/landlords and tenants will have access to their own unit’s tenancy data. Private information will not be disclosed.



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